• Faith,  Family,  Littles,  Marriage,  Uncategorized

    Just a Mom

    I originally wrote this blog post in 2011 when I was living overseas and blogging as a way to process everything I was experiencing. I’m sharing it here because it sets the stage perfectly for where God has me in life right now. Being a mom has always been my dream. And God is kind to remind me of that on the hard days 🙂 ——————————————————————————————————————– Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been fascinated by children.  I was that annoying little 7-year old who would follow around the mom with a baby relentlessly asking, “Can I hold him now please?” I was mothering other kids before I was even out of…

  • Faith,  Family,  Littles

    Simply Dwelling

    Dwelling It’s where you live. It’s your safe place. It’s comfort, rest, peace. It’s that feeling of pulling into the driveway after a long trip and thinking, “Ahhh, finally home.” It’s familiar. It’s yours.  Dwelling It’s what you’re thinking about. It’s what fills your mind when you aren’t thinking about anything else. It’s what your mind is “stuck” on.  It’s what wakes you up in the middle of the night.  Dwelling It’s Jesus. He is our home. He is our comfort, rest, peace. He is our safe place. He is where we find our life. He is the fortress we run to. He is ours.  This blog has been birthed…