• Faith,  Health

    My Journey to Natural Living Part Two

    This is part two of my journey to natural living. If you missed part one, click here! ——————————————————————————————————————– Feeling renewed, I began researching PCOS. I reached out to anyone I could think of who might be able to offer some advice. I resolved to trust the Lord whether He chose to heal my face or not. If you are unfamiliar with PCOS, I’ll quote another blogger at Keeper of the Home in her definition,  “It is a hormonal disorder that can look a bit different in each woman, but generally it involves sporadic or non-existent ovulation, higher than usual male hormones, and sometimes actual ovarian cysts. For most women, it means that their…

  • Faith,  Health

    My Journey to Natural Living Part One

    When I was a little girl and well into my adolescent years, I remember getting frequent compliments about my complexion. “Your skin is flawless!” they would say and then proceed to ask me how I managed to keep clear skin during the tumultuous teenage years. I never knew how to answer that because I didn’t do anything. It was just the way God had made me. Little did I know that God would later take me on a journey of acne and confusion that would end up changing the course of my life. In August of 2012, I was living in east Asia–the summer heat and smog were almost suffocating. I was…

  • Faith,  Family,  Littles

    Simply Dwelling

    Dwelling It’s where you live. It’s your safe place. It’s comfort, rest, peace. It’s that feeling of pulling into the driveway after a long trip and thinking, “Ahhh, finally home.” It’s familiar. It’s yours.  Dwelling It’s what you’re thinking about. It’s what fills your mind when you aren’t thinking about anything else. It’s what your mind is “stuck” on.  It’s what wakes you up in the middle of the night.  Dwelling It’s Jesus. He is our home. He is our comfort, rest, peace. He is our safe place. He is where we find our life. He is the fortress we run to. He is ours.  This blog has been birthed…