Family,  Health,  Homemaking

Why I Love Trim Healthy Mama

I’ve had four babies in 5 years. 

 I have been continuously pregnant and/or nursing for almost seven years straight. 

These two things combined definitely take a toll on a mama’s body.  And while I generally lose my baby weight pretty quickly, over the years the scale had been slowly creeping upwards.  Even though I’ve been passionate about eating nutritious, whole foods for years—I was discouraged to see that despite feeding my body well, I was still slowly gaining weight.  Most days I found solace in the Lord and in knowing that my body was growing and nourishing another human being. So, so cool.  But it’s still no fun to look in the mirror and just feel….well, sad.  And then to feel like there’s no way to turn it around.  I’ve been there, mama.

When I was pregnant with our fourth little guy, I knew I couldn’t just keep hanging on to a few extra pounds with each pregnancy. But I had no idea what to do.  God had already freed me from yo-yo dieting and had taught me how to truly nourish my body (Click here to read my story!). But was there a way I could lose extra weight while also keeping a strong milk supply to nourish my baby AND while not being on a DIET? I have a dear friend who is the mother of ten children. Her body is trim and strong, so naturally, I asked for her secret!

The Trim Healthy Mama way of eating has been so freeing for me! I have learned how my body is designed to burn different fuels (fats and carbs) and how I can feed my body in a way that it burns my body fat along with the fuels.

A Very Basic Overview

Trim Healthy Mama is a low-glycemic (meaning it doesn’t spike your blood sugar) way of eating that centers around protein and then adds in healthy fats and carbs–but not at the same time.

Our bodies get fuel from two sources–fats and carbs. Both are necessary for healthy bodies, and in our younger years we can usually eat fats and carbs at the same time with no problem due to higher metabolisms and active lifestyles (which burns the fuels). But as we age, we usually become less active and our metabolism naturally becomes slower.  When this happens, our bodies begin storing all the extra fuel as fat! Trim Healthy Mama gives our bodies the opportunity to burn off one fuel source at a time so that our fat stores also have the opportunity to be used up, thus resulting in weight loss!

To put it very simply, each meal is centered around protein. Then, you add either a healthy carb source or a healthy fat source. And stay away from all processed sugar and flour because those are never healthy. 

Trim Healthy Mama uses these shortcuts to describe the different type of meals:

E– Energizing meal combines protein with carbs

S– Satisfying meal combines protein with fats

FP– Fuel Pull is only protein (without added carbs or fat) and should be used sparingly as a meal, but can easily be combined with either E or S. It’s kind of like a “freebie.”

XO– Crossover meals combine protein, carbs, and fats. Crossovers should be saved for special occasions if you are hoping to lose weight. Nursing/pregnant mothers and those already at their goal weight can incorporate crossovers more often. 

Again, this is a very basic overview of Trim Healthy Mama. I highly recommend reading the Trim Healthy Mama plan book to get a good grasp on the plan. Their cookbooks are also fantastic (see below).

7 Reasons why I love Trim Healthy Mama

1. It is sustainable 

You have the opportunity to get back on track every three hours if you make a poor eating choice. No “waiting until Monday” to start over. Just wait three hours and move on! 

2. It is not a diet

Trim Healthy Mama is a way of eating that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. There is nothing I feel deprived of. No food group is off limits (expect sugar). I enjoy my food so much. We actually joke sometimes when I sit down to dinner with a huge plate of food (usually dripping in butter) and I’ll look at Michael and say, “I’m on a diet, you know!”

3. It is very easy to accommodate my whole family. 

I usually just add some rice or sour dough bread for my family to make sure their meals include both healthy fats and carbs (XO), but we all eat the same foods. My husband jokes by saying he must be a trim healthy papa because he loves all the food so much!

4. The recipes are DELICIOUS.

 You can definitely do THM just using very basic meals (protein, veggie, starch). But I highly recommend their cookbooks because the recipes are so stinkin’ yummy. I also love that the recipes are made to feed 6-8 people so I don’t have to do doubling math every time! I’ve especially enjoyed the yummy shakes and muffins. Sometimes I feel like I just drove through Dairy Queen.

5. It works no matter your food ideology.

Whether you are a faithful Weston A. Price follower who never touches your lips to processed food, or if pre-packaged meals are your lifeline, you can still succeed doing Trim Healthy Mama. (I like to think I’m somewhere in between those two extremes).

6. You can keep a thriving milk supply and still lose weight!

THIS has been huge for me! It’s been amazing to see the weight melt off me while my baby is thriving and covered in squishy rolls. 

7. You can use Trim Healthy Mama during pregnancy to maintain a healthy weight and nourish your baby.

Since we do hope to have more children one day, this is really important to me. I have read many testimonies of women who have had the best pregnancies of their lives by following THM and get back to pre-pregnacy weight faster than previous pregnancies. I’ve even heard some moms say it helped with morning sickness (perhaps because of the emphasis on protein). 

In a nutshell, Trim Healthy Mama has been life changing. I’m turning thirty this year and I’ve birthed four babies in 5 years–and yet I’m the healthiest and the most physically fit that I’ve ever been. I’ve found the freedom to eat delicious, nourishing food (not diet food),  continue to make meals that my family loves, keep a strong milk supply for my growing babe and still lose weight. That’s a win win win in my book!

Looking  for more information about Trim Healthy Mama? Check out these blog posts that have helped me get started on my journey:

Have you tried Trim Healthy Mama? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


    • Abby

      Hi John! Thank you for stopping by. THM can certainly be for you! You can call it “Trim Health Man” if you’d like 😉 But the idea of anchoring meals around protein and then adding either a healthy carb source OR healthy fat source will keep your metabolism guessing no matter if you are male or female! I highly recommend reading the plan book if you want more specific details. And of course, stay tuned here for more posts about how I incorporate THM into my family’s daily lives!